Tag Archives: Speed Dating

A Valentines Week To Remember…

19 Feb

Sick and tired of always bitching about online dating and sick and tired about continually talking about trying to find new ways to get out there and meet men, this week I made an actual effort to go to events where I knew the actual purpose of the night was to mingle and to meet men.

F**k Valentines – Just Party.

THE best name for a Valentines Day event, ever. I think it pretty much sums up how most people (that I know) feel about the very annoying and very much dreaded V-Day. The annual event, which is run  by Clicktonight.com (the site that interviewed me last month HERE), does exactly what it says on the tin. You’re single, you want to escape all of the horrid Valentines Day hoo-hah, but you don’t want to stay home alone and wallow? This was the place to be.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

…posted with vodpod

A Chat With… Paul C. Brunson

3 Sep

This is the first time that I’ve featured an interview on my blog, but it isn’t the first time that I’ve written about ‘the Modern Day Matchmaker’, Paul Carrick Brunson. I first wrote about Paul  back in July when I  said I’d do his ‘Summer Dating Challenge‘ (which, by the way, I failed at. Miserably) but I’ve been aware of him since I first discovered his work on Twitter earlier this year.

Paul first flew onto my radar thanks to his weekly Twitter matchmaking sessions.  On Wednesdays, he’d offer a date with one of his (usually male) clients to his thousands of Twitter followers. The followers interested in taking part would ask Paul questions about this client (“What does he do for a living?” “How long ago did his last relationship end?” “Who is his ideal woman, and why?”) and then Paul would answer questions using the #MDMW (Modern Day Matchmaker Wednesday) hashtag, so that everyone could track the conversation. After the Q&A’s are done and dusted, Paul would tweet a photo of his client and then go through his Twitter timeline for match requests. Considering how huge a country the US is, I haven’t quite figured out the logistics of how exactly these Twitter dates finally take place, but they do!

For Paul, who has been dubbed the ‘real life Hitch’ (and if you don’t know who Hitch is, shame on you) this isn’t just a hobby; this is how he makes a living. He is a certified life/relationship coach and he is also the founder of the ‘One Degree From Me’ matchmaking service. I’d hoped to be able to attend one of Paul’s regular ‘Flow Dating’ events while I was in New York City earlier this summer, but unfortunately the event took place the day after I left town, typical!

Flow Dating in NYC. I missed out on an event like this by just ONE day *sigh*

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Get Up, Get Out and Date

23 Jan

You may or may not have noticed that I haven’t been around for a little while. It wasn’t on purpose, I’ve actually been dying to blog. But y’see the thing is, a dating blogger who isn’t actually dating doesn’t tend to have much to blog about. So, that was the reason for my silence. No point in blogging about fresh air, is there?

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It’s Time To Get Ballsy

19 Dec

I’m back. I’m feeling refreshed. I’ve had a break. I’ve had a nice change of scenery. Most importantly, for the sake of this blog anyway,  I’ve not visited a dating website for over three weeks. Like Nina Simone said… “and I’m feeling good”.

Over the past few weeks, at the back of my mind all I’ve been thinking about is how keen I am to get back to blogging. Problem is, without the dating sites, what the hell do I have to blog about? I had been hoping there might’ve been some man-gossip to share from my trip abroad. But no. Out of my two weeks away, I only managed to spot two guys who looked even remotely interesting. One was with his girl, the other I saw when I was with my Dad. If there is one thing that can mess up your ‘hey, look at me I’m free for you to come over flirt and chat me up’ potential, it’s hanging out with your old man.

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